Sustainable clothing is on trend: this is why durable fashion is important


Making the fashion sector more sustainable is in full swing and urgently needed. Extending the life of clothing contributes to this and is becoming increasingly important. But how do you create sustainable clothing? Not only the quality of the product is essential, major steps can also be taken in the design stage.

It is recognizable to many: you have a closet full of clothes, but most of them you haven’t worn for months. Some for years. Still, there are a few items of clothing that you regularly wear. You embrace them, especially during the corona period when comfortable clothing was key. Now that we can finally go on vacation again, it is exactly these items that end up in the suitcase first. They are the forever pieces; the clothes you just can't get tired of.

Sustainable clothing beats fast fashion

More and more people value this timeless, sustainable clothing. Wardrobes are minimalizing and fast fashion is more often ignored. Fair clothing, made with respect for people, animals and the environment is increasingly getting more popular.

Did you know that at Edberg Fashion we prioritize sustainable clothing production? Both our fabric suppliers and factories are located in Europe, which means that we produce close to home and in a socially responsible manner. Edberg Fashion only works with fabric suppliers and factories that share our vision of sustainability.

Making fashion more sustainable

Many know about the ecological footprint of the fashion industry. Designing clothing with a long lifespan contributes to making the fashion sector more sustainable. When clothes last longer, it reduces the need to buy and manufacture a replacement garment, as well as wash, deliver and waste.

How clothing durability can be affected

Extending the life of clothing is therefore becoming increasingly important. But how do we ensure sustainable clothing? The quality of the fabric and the ability to withstand water, light and heat are important elements. One of Edberg Fashion's basic jerseys can be washed up to 300 times before its color fades.

But with quality, you're not there yet. Extending the life of clothing starts in the design stage. These are the aspects that should be prioritized:

  • Physical durability: clothing is worn frequently, so quality materials and a high-end finish are important.
  • Timelessness: clothes that are on trend now may be less popular next year. Clothing that successfully withstands the fickle nature of style is truly sustainable.
  • Fair trade: clothes that have been developed fairly, we wear with a happy heart. Suppliers who pay attention to making their facilities more sustainable by means of green energy, closed water cycle and waste management are given priority at Edberg Fashion.